The Project
Royal Wharf Phase 2A and 3B
Client: Cilantro Engineering
We have now completed 2 Phases of this development delivering Fibre To The Home (FTTH) systems to 1091 houses and apartments over 9 separate systems.
Each system comprises 2 satellites “Astra 2” (Sky) and “Hotbird” and outlets have been provide in all Lounges and Master bedrooms.
Phase 2A
650 Apartments
Completed 2017
We designed and installed TV and satellite Fibre optic distribution systems to 4 blocks in this large new build development, this phase was for 650 apartments in 4 seperate blocks with 2 fibre cores to each apartment services cupboard where signals are converted back to coaxial to serve sockets in the Lounge and master Bedroom.
Phase 3B
441 Apartments
Completed 2020
We designed and installed TV and satellite Fibre optic distribution systems to 3 blocks in this phase of this development, this phase was for 441 with 2 fibre cores to each apartment services cupboard where signals are converted back to coaxial to serve sockets in the Lounge and master Bedroom.
In this phase Sky Q adapters were also installed.