Capital Aerials gain Constructiononline Gold Membership
We are delighted to announce that we have attained Constructionline Gold Membership. This membership highlights our commitment to providing quality work and service through the installation of communal aerial systems.
Being Gold certified we have demonstrated the high level of our company’s credentials for Health & Safety, Environmental Management, Quality Management, Equal Opportunities, Modern Slavery Act adherence, Anti-bribery and Corruption policies.

Gold Membership incorporates our company with 2000 similar organisations that can be contacted to provide excellent quality service. This database is used by local authorities and main contractors to licence Capital Aerials LLP for work, knowing that their project is in good hands.
Gold Membership demonstrates to customers that we have been the subject of increased scrutiny around governance and risk management and that we have demonstrated how important health and safety is to our company.
“We are thrilled to have attained Gold Constructionline Membership. Our business has been at the forefront of the Aerial Industry for over 30 years, and we take the health and safety of our workplace incredibly seriously. Our customers can expect our engineers to be safe while doing high quality work.” – David Austin Senior Partner at Capital Aerials LLP
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